Saturday, August 13, 2011

pesanan daripada Mr. Simple LOL ~~~

who is Mr. simple ?? hehe~~~

You can’t just get angry cause the world is not going the way you want it to be
You don’t need to
Stop worrying over little things, it’s not good for your health
(jangan mengeluh kalu ape yang kite nak tu tak dapat.. mmg dah tertulis dalam takdir dan mmg dah ketentuanNya itu jadi begitu... so.. kene teruskan.. dan jgn tension sgt.. kang darah tinggi lak~~)

Grades go up and down, that’s just how it is heung!
Performances go up and down, it happens all the time
Sometimes it’s okay to just chill and take a break
Cause there’s always the right time for everything
( kadang2 kite punye test kuiz.. ader jugak yang turun.. kadang time presentation.. ader jugak kite buat tak betul... so.. ok jugak kalu relaks jap.... release seme tension.. and start again

If you’re a guy, drink up with your friends and forget about it (Alright) Alright
If you’re a girl, chat it up with your friends and forget about it (Alright) Alright, alright
(cam ne nak release tension?? byk care... byk sgt... kalu nak contoh.. yang pompuan tu leh la hang out ngan member.. tgk wayang.. hehe)

Look Mr. Simple, Simple, you’re great the way you are
Look Ms. Simple, Simple, you’re beautiful the way you are (S J Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple, you’re great the way you are
Look Ms. Simple, Simple, you’re beautiful the way you are (S J Call!)
(kadang2 hidup secara bersederhana lebih baik~~)

Let’s go let’s go, let’s turn around if there’s a dead end
If you’re too stressed, let’s take a break and just chill all day
I’m only gonna be exhausted if I keep sprinting in this rough world
Wait and save up your energy cause your day will come soon
(setiap masalah ade penyelesaian.. tawakal dan cube selesaikan ... )

Even a kid knows that we’re living in a world full of dilemmas
Why is it so hard? All we need to do is eat well, sleep well and do well
(kene jalankan idup seperti biase.. wpun susah~~~ dugaan seme tu hehe ^^)

Don’t worry anymore, the good day will come so forget about serious matters
Just smile today cause your smile makes everyone happy
(senyum lah sokmo deh~~~~ )